I am kinda slow at putting stuff up here.
This has been a very Challening week around here. I do know that we will get though it. and that God will not give us more than we can handle. But I will tell you this much, I'm still here . God has Provided this far and as far as I can see he will continue too. Let us count the blessings of the week. Dad was in the garden when Mom fell, But the neighbors were around to help1., Mom only broke her Leg2., she could has been alot worse.she hit her head on a rock so only 2 stitches 3. ,Bridget lost her Baby but will still be able God willing to have more4.,I have a wonderful Family that is there for each other when we really need it5., Mom is in a good place to get the rest and help she needs to recover., I will go up to help Bridget. and be back to helpDad before Shelley leaves,Gary and Bridget will Take care of Preston . And Rick Better have Fun at Amy's on vacation. Oh yes Shelley will Go to NY to Be with Both her Girls and help Carmen and Leo. Well
I will have a good day tomarrow and a quick trip and back. see ya all later. Dianna